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Imagen subsite INTA

Future research lines

Future research lines in Flight Mechanics Area, are focused up to day in the improvement and modernization of our reliable and proven systems. In the mid term and long term, we can summarize:

Medium term lines

  • New flight hardware development. We aim to develop a new flight control architecture, smaller, and fully compatible with EUROCAE ED-80/DO-254. This new architecture will present a scalable design to new sensors and equipment installation.
  • New software development. We aim to develop a new software based in a complete refactorization from current versions, fully compliant with EUROCAE ED-12C/DO-178C, including its Real Time Operating System.

Long term lines

  • DAA technologies for airspace integration, both algorithms and new sensors integration.
  • Advanced and adaptive mission trajectory generation, with aircraft and extern constraints possibilities.  
  • Payload image processing as a navigation and threat detection sensor.
  • Coordinated flight with different aircrafts.
  • New techniques in Estimation, Navigation, Guidance and Control.

This work arrangement allows us to schedule our current duties, while at the same time guarantees being able to attend and re-arrange for new or more urgent research lines in case of need.