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Imagen subsite INTA


Flight Control System SICANT (Sistema INTA de Control de Aeronaves NTripuladas meaning INTA's uncrewed aircraft control system), is a Product with its own identity continously evolving. It integrates different systems developed and experimented at INTA regarding research, control, and operation of RPAS. SICANT evolucion has been a continous improvement process, always adapting to changes in both technology and industry altogether with the RPAS operating landscape in Spain.

This period of constant evolution, research, and development, has been going on for more than 20 years. We believe this acquired experience allows us to offer a complete and unique perspective in RPAS operation and future trends.

In next sections we will explain what SICANT is, or better yet, what does it mean. In HW Architecture and SW Architecture, we describe roughly SICANT's very heart in the way it has been conceived and improved in its airborne part. In section Simulation we show the different processes involved in simulation, development, and improvement of SICANT, while in section  New Platforms, we introduce the concept of SICANT flexibility in order to be integrated in other aircraft and systems.

In Evolution and Milestones we summarize the main milestones conditioning SICANT's evolution during all these research and development years; this very same research has allowed the development of several Activities and Programs, of which the most remarkable are outlined. In section Testing Stations we talk about SICANT posibilities altogether with its auxiliary systems such as test equipment, explaining works already developed in that field. Last but not least, in section Future Research Lines, we summarize our vision in the medium and long term regarding our research lines in  years to come.