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ANSER launch
  •   Actividades Científicas Satélite Estación Terrena Medioambiente Observación de la Tierra Segmento Terreno Teledetección

ANSER, the INTA Cubesat Constelation (3 satellites) have been launched this early morning from Korou on #VV23  ARIANESPACE flight.

The first pass at Nominal INTA-Torrejón nominal Ground Station has been also successfully, allowing us to have contact.

ANSER- Advanced Nanosatellite Systems for Earth-observation Research, is the first mission of the INTA's Constellation Program, fully developed in-house. ANSER will work together in close vicinity as if they are a single satellite. One of the CubeSats serves as a leader, undertaking communications with the ground and connected to the others via inter-satellite links. It will also lead joint observations of ANSER’s main target, the quality of inland Iberian lakes and reservoirs, as well as comparable water bodies worldwide.