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Imagen subsite INTA


Our mission is to contribute to the development of Spanish Technology in the field of Flight Mechanics, with special interest in the development of NGFCS (navigation, guidance and flight control systems) for uncrewed air vehicles. Flight Mechanics Area's objective is not to develop commercial flight control systems, but to demonstrate the maturity and effectiveness of new techniques, either in-house developed or not. These new advances, once transferred and applied, are expected to improve the competitiveness of the Spanish Aeronautics Industry and the effectiveness of the Spanish Armed Forces.

  SIVA en Rozas

SIVA's flight control system was one of the first activities the Area carried on altogether with the preliminary design of the aerial platform. SIVA is the Spanish acronym for Integrated System for Aerial Surveillance (Sistema Integrado de Vigilancia Aérea)


In order to accomplish this mission, Flight Mechanics Area has several Functions.