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Imagen subsite INTA

CPA Roles

Antenna located in one of the INTA facilities

The main task of the CPA is to manage and control the ownership, access and use of PRS receivers by the user communities managed in the scope of its activity. A PRS user is a person, natural or legal, authorized by the CPA to own or use a PRS receptor. Therefore, it is considered a PRS user:

  • The owner of a PRS receptor
  • The possessor of a PRS receptor
  • The operator of the output data of a PRS receptor
  • The entity authorized to manufacture PRS receptors, manufacture Security Modules or provide support activities to those manufactures

The Galileo Programme regulations impose on the CPA a series of functions set out in Decision No. 1104/2011/EU of the European Parliament and of the European Council:

1. The competent PRS authority shall ensure that the use of the PRS is in compliance with Article 8 and point 1 of the Annex and that:

  • PRS users are grouped for the management of the PRS with the GSMC;
  • the PRS access rights for each group or user are determined and managed;
  • the PRS keys and other related classified information are obtained from the GSMC;
  • the PRS keys and other related classified information are distributed to the users;
  • the security of the receivers and associated classified technology and information are managed and the risks assessed;
  • a point of contact is established for assisting as necessary in the reporting of detected potentially harmful electromagnetic interference affecting the PRS.

2. The competent PRS authority shall ensure that a body may only develop or manufacture PRS receivers or security modules if such a body:

  • has been duly authorised by the Security Accreditation Board; and
  • complies both with the decisions of the Security Accreditation Board and with the common minimum standards regarding the development and manufacture of PRS receivers or security modules.

3. The CPA shall act as an interface to the entities competent for export restrictions of relevant equipment, technology and software regarding the use and development of, and manufacturing for, the PRS.