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Aviation and Atmosphere: an Aerospatiale study on aerosols and gases (AVATAR)

AVATAR Project

AVATAR is a funded Project from the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (CGL2014-55230- R). This project is mainly focused on analysis of the aerosol impact on climate through the study of the gas-aerosol interaction, study of gas and aerosol distribution in airport areas, aerosol and cloud radiative effects and the performance of comparisons between satellite and ground- based measurements of aerosol.

This project is also focused on the monitoring of the free troposphere and stratosphere with the aim to extend the previous results of AMISOC of the seasonal variation of IO and BrO in the free troposphere. Activities within AVATAR have supported trace gas monitoring and NIDFORVal activities at IARC. This project is operated in collaboration with the In Situ Aerosol Programme.