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Frequently Asked Questions

¿May I contact the Competent PRS Authority?

Yes, the Competent PRS Authority, defined as an interface between the Public Regulated Service (PRS) and its community of users, make available a Contact Form to place any comment or question related to PRS.

Why can Galileo Public Regulated Service (PRS) be useful?

The advantages and exclusive additional options provided by PRS versus the Open Service are: it provides special services that make it suitable for use in emergency situations, customs, police, defence, critical transportation services and similar.

  • Integrity of signal, with alarm that warns of the degradation in the quality of the positioning shown to the user.
  • Continuity of signal, ensuring that once a positioning is obtained it will be valid for the necessary period of time.
  • Improvements in protection against spoofing.
  • Improvements in protection against interference (jamming).

Can I use a standard Galileo receiver for the reception of the Public Regulated Service?

No. It is needed a specific device that has been expressly designed to receive the information provided by the PRS.

When can I use the Public Regulated Service?

The Galileo System, the system that provides with the Regulated Public Service, is still under development. Once the last phase of deployment of the system, called Full Operational Capability (FOC), scheduled for 2020, has been completed, the service will be made available to users with assurance of compliance within the Service Provision Indicators.

However, a governmental user previously authorized by the CPA could test the capabilities of the PRS with reduced performance and with a receiver prototype in an environment with specific security conditions.

Are there multi-constellation receivers that are capable of receiving GPS, Galileo, GLONASS or other navigation signals? And receivers of Public Regulated Service?

With regard to receivers of Public Regulated Service, they are still in a development phase. Today, there are prototypes of PRS receivers with limited availability that could be accessible to government users under certain conditions. On the other hand, national prototypes are being developed.

Yes. Many of the manufacturers integrate data from multiple constellations in their solution. The Galileo System is breaking through the positioning standards in various market segments.

What type of users is the Public Regulated Service addressed to?

PRS provides a series of additional features to the Open Service that make it suitable for crisis situations and / or emergencies, so that the profile of users who can benefit from the PRS service are: police, Civil Guard, firemen, medical services, rescue services, defence, customs, transportation, etc. In summary, any user or scenario for which the operation of a positioning service is critical.

The Public Regulated Service is aimed at previously authorized governmental users. It is an encrypted service, therefore, users who have not been granted access cannot access any information provided by it.

Can I get a service like the Public Regulated Service using existing navigation systems?

The Public Regulated Service is offered by the Galileo System, defined as a global, robust, encrypted service with access control mechanisms, so that, it is not available in any of the existing navigation services.

Can I use the Public Regulated Service receiver outside the Spanish territory?

Yes. Regardless of whether the management of users and receivers is regulated by the Spanish Competent PRS Authority, the coverage of the system is global. It will only cease to have service provision, in geographical terms, if there is a denied use area for any receiver and the receiver is located within its limits.

Can I use a standard Galileo receiver for the reception of the Public Regulated Service?

No. It is needed a specific device that has been expressly designed to receive the information provided by the PRS Service.