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Imagen subsite INTA


The Test Center for Unmanned Systems (CEUS) is a large infraestructure that serves as support, fundamentgally, for the development of unmanned aerial platforms and as a base for INTA aerial research platforms.

This center is especially useful for the operation of large RPAS, as they can take advantage of 1 million hectare no-fly zone, providing wide margins to facilitate testing.

Its proximity to the facilities of the Arenosillo Experimentation Center (CEDEA) gives it great advantages.

By working as an extension of CEDEA, which has optronic and radar systems together with all the available communication and data processing tools, it allows monitoring and collecting flight data. In addition to the aded value of having the great experience of the staff in the management of RPAS tests and trials,m it is also a Development an Qualification Center form small and medium sized aerial platforms for the main European manufacterers.

2023-11-09 Vista General_ (1)

This action is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Pluri-regional Operational Program of Spain 2014-2020 in the framework of the call for public Scientific-Technological Initiatives of the CDTI.

Brief description of the performance:

  • Objetive: Provide a large infraestructure to support the development of unmanned aerial platforms.
  • Place of execution: Autonomous Community of Andalusia.
  • Execution time: September 30, 2023.
  • Budget: 28.000.000 €.
  • CDTI and ERDF co-financing. Financing for a maximum amount of 100% of the total eligible budget. At least 80% (22.400.000 €) will be financed from the ERDF of the Pluriregional Operational Program (POPE) 2014-2020.

logos FEDER Funds, CDTI, Ministry of Science and Innovation, Ministry of Defence & INTA