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Sub-Directorate General of Naval Systems

Code: 2000

Responsable: Captain Francisco Javier Pérez Villalonga

Subdirector Sistemas Navales INTA don Francisco Javier Pérez Villalonga

 Captain Francisco Javier Pérez Villalonga



According to the Article 23 of Royal Decree 925/2015, published on 16th of October, the Sub-Directorate General of Naval Systems, which is located at the premises of the "El Pardo" campus, will be responsible for the management of resources and the execution of scientific and technical research programs and projects, as well as of the provision of technological services in the field of hydrodynamics, without prejudice to the collaboration to be provided to the other General Sub-Directorates for the execution of any programs and projects and annual plans and multiannual programs. Those programs are elaborated by the General Sub-Directorate of Coordination and Plans to meet the demand of the Ministry of Defense, the state scientific and technical research plan and the state innovation plan or other national, foreign or supranational agencies.

In particular, it shall exercise the following functions:

  • To prepare technically the collaboration agreements in his field of competence.
  • To manage technically and administratively the research, development, innovation, experimentation and certification of his competence, including approved investments, with the collaboration and support of the General Sub-Directorate of Coordination and Plans and the General Secretariat.
  • To attend to the national and international cooperation necessary for the execution of the research, experimental development and certification projects, within the scope of his competence, in collaboration with the Sub-Directorate General for Coordination and Plans.
  • To collaborate with the General Sub-Directorate of Coordination and Plans in the commercialization and transfer of technology.
  • To advise and collaborate with the General Sub-Directorate of Coordination and Plans in the elaboration of R+D &+plans.

Likewise, it will perform the functions that are associated to programs or projects in which INTA participates, such as:

  • To research, study and experiment, by means of tests with models and forms of ships, equipment and marine devices, in their hydrodynamic aspects.
  • To conduct studies and projects of floating devices and artifacts, as well as the certification of predictable speeds for the ship and its energy efficiency.