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Code: 1000

Responsable: Lieutenant General Julio Ayuso Miguel

Subdirector General de Coordinación y Planes General Julio Ayuso Miguel

Lieutenant General Julio Ayuso Miguel 



The Director General is responsible for the direction and management of the Institute.
In particular, according to the article 16 of Royal Decree 925/2015, published on 16th October 16, has the following functions:

  • To represent INTA to all types of institutions, agencies and public and private entities, to exercise the direction of personnel and its services and activities of a scientific, technical and administrative nature without prejudice to the competencies in this area in accordance with current legislation to other Public Administrations and agencies.
  • To approve expenditures and to order payments, after budgetary appropriation for this purpose.
  • To prepare and to submit to the Advisory Board the multi-annual budgetary scenario, the preliminary draft budgets, the general annual action plan, the investment and strategic plan, as appropriate, as well as the Institute's management reports.
  • To approve and to render the annual accounts in the terms indicated by Law 47/2003, published on 26th of November, and to authorize the credit operations.
  • To execute the general, scientific and technological policy.
  • To exercise any powers delegated to it by the Governing Council, to execute and to enforce its agreements and the provisions of the Ministry of Defense.
  • Agree the ex officio review, regarding the acts dictated by its dependent entities and to resolve the previous claims in civil and labor matters within the scope of its competence, in accordance with the provisions of article 52.2 of Law 6/81997, published on 14th of April.
  • To conclude contracts, agreements and collaboration agreements in the scope of its competence and to execute the management tasks that are entrusted to the organization.
  • To approve the organization manual of INTA.
  • To approve the Institute's equality plans.
  • To submit to the Advisory Board the organization that derives from the development of the statutes for its knowledge.
  • To grant scholarships and prizes in the field of research.
  • To submit and to propose to the Advisory Board the rest of the issues and decisions that should be adopted or known by that collegiate body, within the functions recognized in article 12.

In general, to exercise all those powers attributed to it by a legal or regulatory norm, as well as to know, to resolve and to execute all those matters not expressly attributed to the Advisory Board, affecting the good governance and administration of INTA.