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Meeting of ITTC Specialist Committee on Energy Saving Methods.

Tue Nov 20 11:16:40 CET 2018
Reunión del Comité de Especialistas en Métodos de Ahorro de Energía de la ITTC en el Campus de El Pardo

The ITTC Specialist Committee on Energy Saving Methods had a meeting at the facilities of INTA in El Pardo (Madrid) on Monday 5th and Tuesday 6th November 2018.

The International Towing Tank Conference (ITTC) is the association of international organizations that have the responsibility for the prediction of the hydrodynamic performance of ships and marine installations based on the results of physical and numerical experiments.

ITTC is recognized as an NGO with observer status to the International Maritime Organization (IMO), where it participates actively in matters regarding maritime safety and performance.

The Full Conference, comprising representatives of all member organizations, is held every three years and constitutes the highest authority of the ITTC. The Executive Committee is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the ITTC, assisted by the Advisory Council on technical matters. A number of permanent and specialist technical committees perform defined work tasks and report to the Full Conference.

The venue of the Full Conference circulates between the six regions Americas, Northern Europe, Central Europe, Southern Europe, East Asia and Pacific Islands.

The following members of the ITTC Specialist Committee on Energy Saving Methods attended the meeting:

  • - In Won Lee (Presidente) - Pusan National University - Korea.
  • - Munehiko Hinatsu - Osaka University - Japan.
  • - Tie Li - Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) - China.
  • - Ramón Quereda - INTA / SGSN - Spain.
  • - James W. Gose - University of Michigan - USA.
  • - Andrea Coraddu - University of Strathclyde - UK.

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