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'El Pardo Campus' of INTA in the UCLM VIII Doctoral Seminars

Mon Oct 29 12:48:59 CET 2018
VIII Jornadas Doctorales organizadas por la Escuela Internacional de Doctorado de la UCLM

These conferences organized by the International Doctoral School of Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (EID-UCLM) and held on October 16, are addressed to doctoral students from UCLM and other Spanish or foreign universities, as well as to groups that make up the university and/or research centers.

The purpose of this event is to disseminate the research activity of doctoral students, acquire the ability to present the results, promote new ideas and exchange experiences and opinions among students. During the ceremony, held in the auditorium of the campus of Cuenca, there were lectures of the researchers and a roundtable meeting entitled "Doctus, quo vadis?".

Manuel González Gallego, engineer of the Department of Technologies and Testing of INTA-SGSN was the representative in the conferences. He is working on his Doctoral Thesis at Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM) on the topic "Monitoring of structural efforts in ship model hulls with fiber optic sensors in Bragg networks ".

The Department of Technologies and Testing of INTA-SGSN in El Pardo Campus, the Composite Materials Area of INTA in Torrejón Campus and the ETS of Industrial Engineers of Ciudad Real are working together to support this Doctoral Thesis. The main objective of the Thesis is the analysis of the structural mechanical behavior of ship models, manufactured with composite materials reinforced with carbon fibers, using continuous monitoring by means of fiber optic sensors in diffraction Bragg networks (FBGs).

Doctoral Thesis Manuel González Gallego, engineer of Technologies and Testing of INTA-SGSN