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INTA team in the 39th edition of the Ariane regatta

Mon Oct 15 17:24:00 CEST 2018
El equipo de regatas del INTA obtuvo un 2º puesto entre los 23 barcos de su clase (clase IV).

INTA team participated last 7th , 8th and 9th October 2018 in the 39th edition of the Ariane regatta, held in Trogir (Croatia), and won a meritorious 2nd place among the 23 boats in its class (class IV).

103 boats, representing companies and organizations related to the Ariane program, participated in the regatta. INTA team was the 2nd of the 23 boats competing in the class IV and reached the position 17 among the 103 boats of the general classification.

In this edition of the Ariane regatta were also three more Spanish boats, one representing Airbus-Madrid (40th place in the general classification) and two more on the part of Sener (positions 61 and 65 in the general classification).

Ariane regatta has been hold for 39 years in different places in Europe and America. INTA participated several times few years ago but in the last three edition the participation has been consecutive and with the same team.

Ariane regatta has been hold for 39 years in different places in Europe and America