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OMAE 2018 visits ‘El Pardo Campus’

Mon Jun 25 12:09:26 CEST 2018
Participantes en las Conferencias OMAE 2018 en la entrada principal del CEHIPAR

Last Friday 22th June 2018, a group of 88 participants in the OMAE 2018 Conference visited the facilities of INTA in El Pardo (Madrid)

Last Friday 22th June 2018, a group of 88 participants in the OMAE 2018 Conference visited the facilities of INTA in El Pardo (Madrid) as a scheduled activity for the Conference closure. The old CEHIPAR (Canal de Experiencias Hidrodinámicas de El Pardo) today is the headquarters of the General Deputy Directorate of Naval Systems.

37th OMAE Conference (International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering) was held at Madrid Auditorium hotel from 17th to 22nd June 2018. OMAE conference is organized by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and was co-organized in this occasion in collaboration with Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, la Universidad de Cantabria, la Universitat Rovira i Virgili and Oregon State University. These prestigious Conference on ocean engineering had a large number of international participants and high-level sponsor companies. Some members of the General Deputy Directorate of Naval Systems are co-authors of technical papers presented at the Conference.

During the visit the attendees, divided into four groups, visited the Workshops, the Calm Water Towing Tank, the Ship Dynamics Laboratory and the Cavitation Tunnel. There were many interesting questions and comments about these facilities and the ongoing R&D projects. 

Participants in the OMAE 2018 Conference visited the facilities of INTA in El Pardo (Madrid)Participants in the OMAE 2018 Conference visited the facilities of INTA in CEHIPAR