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Workshop on marine applications of Hydrogen. 12th and 13th March 2018.

Wed Mar 14 09:00:00 CET 2018

On 12th and 13th March 2018 was held the third international experts meeting of task 39 of the Hydrogen Implementation Agreement (HIA) of the International Energy Agency (IEA). The meeting took place at the facilities of INTA in Torrejón and El Pardo. The objective of the meeting was to disseminate among its members the latest news about the research projects and the advances of the industry, related to the use of Hydrogen for marine applications.

IEA-HIA is the largest and longest collaborative organization dedicated to the research of Hydrogen applications. Its task 29, involving Administration, Industry and University members, studies marine applications and is working on different aspects related to the use of Hydrogen and fuel cells. Among others, it analyzes the state of the art of technology, new business opportunities, security, applicable regulations and required tests.

Hydrogen can be used as energy source to reduce CO2 emissions, carrying out international projects related to transport, storage, risks and safety.
