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The Secretary of State for Defense (SEDEF) visits 'El Pardo Campus' of INTA

Fri Feb 09 11:09:13 CET 2018

The visit took place on the morning of 8th February at the facilities of INTA in El Pardo (Madrid). The old CEHIPAR (Canal de Experiencias Hidrodinámicas de El Pardo) today is the headquarters of the General Deputy Directorate of Naval Systems.

The tour to the campus began with an institutional presentation on the de Deputy Directorate, its history, trajectory, current situation and active projects for commercial and defense purposes. Furthermore, it was highlighted the important fact of the recent nomination of 'El Pardo Campus' as ICTS (Unique Scientific and Technical Infrastructure) by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness. The presentation finished with the exposition of the new challenges of the Deputy Directorate of Naval Systems and the development of new areas and technologies such as marine renewable energies, marine and air unmanned vehicles, etc.

The day continued with the visit to the different facilities, starting with the Calm Water Tank, passing through the Cavitation Tunnel, the workshops with scale models of vessels and finishing in the Ship Dynamics Laboratory, known as the Waves Tank.


 The SEDEF was accompanied by the General Director of INTA, José María Salom, by the Secretary General, Luis Antonio Boixareu and the Deputy Directors, Moisés Fernández and Emilio Fajardo.
